St Joseph’s Interdiocesan seminary, Mangalore is in the heart of the city and trains candidates to priesthood for many dioceses and a few religious congregations of India. The Administration of the Seminary is under the dioceses of Mangalore, Calicut, Kannur and Udupi with the Bishop of Mangalore as its chairman. In the past 145 years of its existence, the seminary has formed over 3000 priests of whom 51 have become bishops.
The seminary takes care of the holistic formation of seminarians and students. Academics is managed by St Joseph Institute of Theology, affiliated to the Pontifical Urban University, Rome, which confers the Bachelor’s degree. Currently, the Institute has 12 resident professors, 25 visiting professors and 151 students in Philosophy and Theology departments. The seminary has an attractive campus with a full-fledged library, class rooms with modern facilities, chapel and play grounds. Since the seminary has students from all over the country unity in diversity, has been its specialty.
Forming disciple of the Crucified and the Risen Lord to become prophetic proclaimers of the Word, ministers of the Sacraments and leaders of the ecclesial community.
To be authentic witnesses of the Crucified and the Risen Lord, through prayerful listening and understanding divine revelation, acquiring profound knowledge of God, the world and human person, internalizing of the values of the Kingdom of God and immersing in the pastoral and missionary experience to become integrated human personalities.
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