Raised to Altar

Raised to Altar

Servant of God, Monsignor Raymond Camillus Mascarenhas

Monsignor RFC Mascarenhas, Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Little Flower of Bethany Mangalore, studied in our seminary from 1891 to 1900. He was an intellectual and spiritual giant. He worked in the diocese of Mangalore as a committed, dedicated and beloved pastor. Prayer, simplicity and love for the poor were the hallmarks of his saintly life. He founded the Bethany Congregation in Mangalore. He lived a life of holiness, achieved through hard work suffering and sacrifice. He radiated Christ in his words and more powerfully through his saintly life. To know more about his life and mission, please click https://www.bethanycongregation.org/about-us/founder- raymond-francis-camillus-mascarenhas?start=1

Servant of God, Rev. Fr Canisius Thekkekara CMI

Fr Canisius a priest belonging to the religious order of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) was an erudite scripture scholar, studied in our seminary from 1939 to 1942. He was an Ardent seeker of God’s Will, did everything guided by and in conformity and compliance with God’s will, as given by his ecclesiastical and religious superiors. He was known for his simple life and consideration and care for the poor. He was an Exemplary Priest and a Committed Religious and was called a praying priest and became a personification of prayer. Further details please find at https://kcbc.co.in/KCBC/SaintsDetails/30

Servant of God, Monsignor Joseph Kandathil

Reverend Monsignor Joseph K.W Thomas is a priest belonging to the diocese of Ernakulam, Angamaly, and is the founder of the Congregation of the Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate. He was a student of our seminary from the year 1929 to 1933. His life and mission were totally dedicated to the poor, marginalised, sick very specially the leprosy patients. He was knowing as Kerala Damien. He lived, loved and died for Christ.