
Celebrating 78th Independence Day and the Feast of the Assumption


 On August 15th we commemorated the 78th Independence Day of our beloved nation, India, a day marking the hard-won freedom secured by our valiant freedom fighters. This significant day also coincides with the Catholic Church's Feast of the Assumption of Mary, making it a doubly joyous occasion for us.

The day began with a solemn Holy Mass, presided over by Rev. Fr Rakesh Bara, S.J. In his homily, Father Rakesh reflected on the profound theme of freedom, highlighting that true freedom is found in the inner peace we cultivate within ourselves. He emphasized that the Blessed Virgin Mary, through her grace, aids us in attaining this true freedom by liberating us from sin. The liturgy for the Mass was beautifully organized by the Hindi Academy Brothers.

Following the Mass, the entire community gathered outside for the flag-hoisting ceremony. Br Leonard directed the ceremony, while Br Amit led the parade. The Hindi Academy Brothers then uplifted the spirits of all present with a rendition of the patriotic song "Lehra Do," which filled everyone with a deep sense of pride for our independent India. Br Avith then delivered an inspiring Independence Day message, reflecting on the importance of the day.

The celebrations continued with a basketball match at 10 a.m. between the brothers and the deacons. The game was highly competitive and exciting, with the brothers ultimately emerging victorious.

This day of celebration and reflection reminded us of the value of freedom, both as citizens of India and as followers of Christ, striving for the true freedom that comes from within.