
New Priests Day Celebrated at the Seminary


The seminary was abuzz with excitement as it celebrated New Priest Day, a significant occasion marked by reunion and reflection. Thirteen new priests returned to their Alma Mater, making the day a heartfelt gathering of old friends and spiritual mentors.

The day began on an energetic note with a thrilling cricket match between the New Priests and the seminary brothers. The game, full of friendly competition and camaraderie, saw the brothers emerging victorious.

At 11:15 am, the community gathered for the celebration of the Holy Mass, with Fr. Norman serving as the main celebrant. The Mass was enriched by a thought-provoking sermon delivered by Fr. Kennedy, who spoke on the importance of carrying forward the mission of Christ with unwavering faith and commitment.

After the Mass, the Rector extended a warm welcome to the New Priests, expressing his deep joy at witnessing their continued zeal and enthusiasm for their sacred vocation. The seminary choir added to the spirit of the occasion with a melodious performance that touched the hearts of all present.

Br. Avil, representing the brothers, offered heartfelt well-wishes to the New Priests, assuring them of the community’s prayers and support as they embark on their ministries. In response, Fr. Colin spoke on behalf of the returning priests, reminiscing about their formative years at the seminary. He expressed profound gratitude to the Rector and staff members for their invaluable guidance and dedication in nurturing their priestly vocations. The celebration concluded with a festive meal.