
Celebration of the Feast of St Thomas the Apostle


The Universal Church celebrates the feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle on July 3rd, and this year, the Mar Thoma Malayalam Samajam Academy at the seminary commemorated the day with great enthusiasm.

Fr. Anthony Olattupuram from the Diocese of Kottapuram was the guest priest for the celebration, leading a well-organized Mass with the assistance of Fr. Milton, the mentor of the Malayalam Academy, alongside Fr. Alex and Fr. Manoj. Rector Fr. Ronald Serrao also joined in the celebration.

In his homily, Fr. Anthony Olattupuram urged the seminarians to seek the truth as St. Thomas did in Jesus Christ. He highlighted St. Thomas's missionary journey to the coastal plains of India and his significant contributions to spreading the Gospel, serving as an inspiration for seminarians in their contemporary ministry.

Following the Mass, the Mar Thoma Samajam Academy, under the guidance of Fr. Manoj, released a book featuring a collection of sermons. The day continued with an exciting volleyball match at 8:30 a.m. between the philosophers and theologians, with the philosophers emerging victorious.