
Inauguration of the Philosophical English Academy


St Joseph’s Seminary in Jeppu, Mangalore, proudly inaugurated the Philosophical English Academy on June 26, 2024. The event commenced with a prayer, followed by the ceremonial lighting of the lamp by the chief guest, Fr Jason SDB, the Director of the Academy, Fr Ivan, and the Secretary of the Academy, Aashton D’Souza, along with group leaders.

Aashton D’Souza warmly welcomed the attendees. To mark the academy’s inception, the chief guest digitally unveiled the academy’s logo, followed by a short video presentation introducing various themes and group members.

The topics for study are:

  • Group Chaitanya: Understanding Gender Identity from Social, Psychological, and Religious Dimensions
  • Group Vikrama: Evolution of Indian Agriculture: A Journey of Innovation and Growth
  • Group Tejas: A Probe into Judicial Efficiency of Indian Courts
  • Group Airavata: A Critical Study of the National Education Policy (NEP)
  • Group Sahasrara: An Analysis of the Healthcare Sector

Br. Aashton introduced the chief guest, who then provided a summary of the topics. The resource person concluded his speech with an anagram of “SOUND,” which stands for:

  • S: Socially Active
  • O: Observing
  • U: Unconditionally Loving
  • N: Nature Inclined
  • D: Dynamic Thinker

Br Ajay compered the program and proposed the vote of thanks. The event concluded with the reading of the Preamble of the Constitution.