
Seminary Launches Theology Course for the Laity


St. Joseph Seminary celebrated the launch of its new theology course for laypeople with a inauguration programme held in Sacred Heart hall. The event began with a prayerful invocation by Br. Rajath Lobo. Rev. Fr. Alex Kalarikkal welcomed the esteemed guests and participants emphasizing that theology is not merely intellectual knowledge of God but a commitment to excellence and a testament to the transformative power of Jesus’ love. The program was inaugurated with a ceremonial lamp lighting, symbolizing enlightenment and unity. Representatives from the religious sisters, laity men, and women joined the dignitaries on the dais for this symbolic act.

Fr. Antony Pinto addressed the gathering, highlighting that this year's batch is the 17th for the Theology of the Laity. He proudly announced the launch of the first batch of the course in the Konkani language, catering to Konkani-speaking students. Fr. Pinto provided detailed instructions about the course structure, fees, and attendance requirements, urging participants to invite more individuals to join in the coming days.

Fr. Ronald Serrao spoke about the Seminary's evolution since Vatican II, from exclusively training priesthood candidates to welcoming the laity for theological studies. He detailed the Seminary's academic structure, including the St. Joseph Institute of Theology and St. Joseph's Institute of Philosophy. Fr. Serrao shared the history of the Theology for the Laity program, which began in 2002, and its mission to strengthen the faith of participants, enabling them to share and follow Christ's teachings more effectively.

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Br. Ajay with Br. Avil serving as the program's master of ceremonies.