
Inauguration of the Social Ministry Program


St. Joseph’s Inter-Diocesan Seminary, renowned for its long-standing legacy in forming young men for the priesthood, continues to emphasize the importance of social ministry in the development of its seminarians. In this regard, the inauguration of the social ministry program was held on June 6, 2024.


The event was graced by Sr. Dulcin UFS, who served as the chief guest and speaker for the day. Sr. Dulcin, with her extensive knowledge and experience in the field of social work, provided invaluable guidance to the seminarians. She emphasized the virtues of respect, dignity, and service to the marginalized. Additionally, she shared practical tips to aid the seminarians in their social ministry efforts.


The inauguration was also attended by Rev. Fr. Ronal Serrao, the Rector, and Fr. Joswine Dsouza, the in-charge of social ministry. Their presence underscored the seminary's commitment to integrating social ministry into the formation of future priests.