
Universal Annual Prayer Octave for Christian Unity Inaugurated


The universal annual prayer octave for Christian unity was inaugurated here at St Joseph Seminary, Jeppu on January 18. Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore diocese, Rev. Hemachandra Kumar, bishop of the Church of South India, Karnataka Southern diocese along with the seminary rector Rev. Fr Ronald Serrao, the diocesan secretary for Ecumenism Rev. Fr Rupesh Madtha, secretary for Mangalore Christian Council Rev. Prabhuraj, Rev. Sunil Thomas, Rev. Fr Francis D’Souza, Rev. Binu John and others initiated the prayer week. Seminarians from Jeppu seminary and Karnataka Theological College, priests, religious and lay faithful took part in the prayer service. The CCBI secretary for Ecumenism Rev. Fr Baptist Pais SVD was present for the spiritual meet.

Prayer octave for Christian unity is an annual exercise among the mainline churches all over the world from January 18 to 25, directed by the World Council of Churches (WCC). This intends to bring together all the churches in prayer. Despite their differences they join hearts in prayer and join hands for service of humankind.

The theme of the year 2024 is ‘You shall love the Lord your God...and your neighbour as yourself’ (Luke 10:27).