
Session on Reading Books


A study session on How to read a book effectively was held on Thursday, 19th October 2023 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The speaker of the day was Rev.Fr Henry D'Almeida SJ. Br  Rohit from IInd year Philosophy was the Master of ceremony of the programme .The session began  with a prayer song by  1st Year Philosophy brothers and Br Rohit welcomed the gathering. Rev Fr Ronald Serrao welcomed the chief guest with a Sapling, Rev. Father Antony George Pinto, HOD of the Theology section, Rev Father Ivan D’Souza, HOD of the Philosophy section also took part in the inaugural session.  After the talk there was a Q&A session where, many students and staff members clarified their doubrs. The session was concluded by the Seminary anthem at 8:00 p.m.