
Mission Auction celebrated with grandeur.


The Mission Auction Day was celebrated at St. Joseph’s Seminary Jeppu with grandeur. The event was well-organized and executed by the third year theology brothers along with students council members, under the guidance of Fr. Rajesh Rosario. Rev. Fr  Ronald Serrao, the rector, inaugurated the mission auction program with his inaugural address. Fr. Naveen Pinto, the administrator of the seminary, conducted the mission auctions. The auction was a great success, with brothers and staff members actively participating in it. In addition to the auctions, the event also featured a mission food stall, mission games, and a mission movie. All of the events were well-attended and enjoyed by all. At the end of the event, Bro. Jeevan, the chairman of the student’s council, thanked everyone for their participation and cooperation. He also expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed items to the auctions and helped to make the event a success. it was a time for the seminary community to come together and celebrate the missionary spirit.