
Mission Expro Programme held


The Expro 2023-24 program for the first-year theologians commenced on October 3rd. in Naravi parish of Mangalore diocese. They were welcomed by the Parish priest, Reverend Fr Valerian Fernandes. The group was accompanied by Rev. Fr Naveen Pinto, the Administrator, Rev. Fr Antony Pinto, the Head of the Theology Department, and Reverend Father Milton Jacob, the Director of Human Formation for the first-year theologians.

The primary task of the Expro was to assist a less fortunate family by constructing the foundation of their house. On October 4th, the construction work began, with the seminarians divided into three groups. One group worked on the foundation, another group gathered sand from the river, and the last group collected stones from the hill. They completed the work within two days.

On the third day, the task was to dismantle the roof of an old, unused house on the Naravi parish premises and collect the roof tiles to provide them to the same family. Some of the seminarians were also involved in leveling the compound wall at another location. In the evening, the seminarians organized a short cultural program for the children residing in the Naravi hostel.