
"Join us as Laborers in God's vineyard,
"God loves joyful givers."

Dear Friend,
Prayerful greetings from Fr Rector, Staff and students, St Joseph’s Interdiocesan Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore.

We greet you in the name of Jesus. We approach you with a kind and sincere request to come to our help. We are all members of St Joseph’s Interdiocesan Seminary, Jeppu, Mangalore. We have around two hundred students from all over India studying to become priests. We thank the Lord that He chooses people to serve in His mission as priests. Almost all of these young men come from poor economic background and hence they are not able to pay for their board, lodging and studies. We do get some help from here and there but that is really not sufficient.

As the days move, the cost of living is going very high. Moreover all our buildings are old and they require regular repairs hence every year we need to spend a lot of money on repairs. Perhaps you have already helped so many people, kindly keep us in your mind and we request you to show your generous heart to a noble cause like training of the seminarians. God will surely reward you for the great generosity that you will show towards us. Whatever is within your reach kindly help us. More than two hundred seminarians and priests will pray for you daily during the Mass and during the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. You could also send us your intentions of prayer. We will surely pray for you and all your family members and I am sure the prayers of these young seminarians will surely be answered by Jesus our Lord and Master. Whenever you come Mangalore we welcome you whole heartedly to visit our Seminary. Kindly speak about this to your friends also.

The Burse for a Seminarian is a project which finances the education of seminarians towards priesthood.

The burses are of following types:

Platinum Burse Rs 5,00,000/-
Diamond Burse Rs 4,00,000/-
Golden Burse Rs 3,00,000/-
Ruby Burse Rs 2,00,000/-
Silver Burse Rs 1,00,000/-
You can draw a cheque in favour of: St Joseph’s Seminary.
Please contact us for bank transfers.

Our Postal address:
St Joseph’s Interdiocesan Seminary
Father Muller Road,
Jeppu, P.B. No. 503, Kankanady Post,
Mangalore – 575002
Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka

For email correspondence:
WhatsApp: +91 7815013904
Thanking you,

With love of Christ,
Rev. Fr Antony Ronald Serrao
St Joseph’s Interdiocesan Seminary
Jeppu, Mangalore, India